👋 JsonLang
![JsonLang Logo](https://github.com/JsonlangJs/jsonlang/raw/HEAD/./jsonlang.svg)
It is a Typescript package that provides a simple JSON Programming Language, allowing you to execute a safe logic in Frontend or Backend (NodeJS). Furthermore, it can be stored in the database and rendered to the Frontend-Side to execute/run some business logic.
JsonLang is designed to be extendable. You can define new rules with sync/async handlers.
![Github Sponsor](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7d9333b097b2f54a8957d126ab82937811489c9b75c3850f609985cf94cd29fe/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f2532302d53706f6e736f722532306d652532306f6e2532304769744875622d6f72616e6765)
⏬ Installation
npm install @jsonlang/core
🎉 Features
- Typescript. It's a strongly typed npm package
- the JsonLang structure is Simple and Optimized. Its structure and rules have a shortcut to make your JSON in a small size.
- Its structure is always Consistent. i.e.
{"$R": "R1", "$I": ["value1", "value2", {"$R": "R2", "$I": [...] }, ...] }
. - Safe & Secure. Each Rule has a secure handler.
- Extendable. Easy to add new rules.
- Sync/Async. All rules in JsonLang are sync rules, but you can extend it and add async rules.
- DRY. You can pass any rule result in a variable to be used in another rule which makes JsonLang JSON more optimized
🏗️ Structure
JsonLang have three main parameters:
- $R: (
) is the rule name itself. i.e. and
, or
, ==
, >
. - $I: (
) is an array of inputs which will be passed to the Rule
handler/function, their type depends on the Rule
handler, or it can be a nested rule - $O?: (
Symbol [Optional]
), is an optional field, it accept a name of variable which used to save the Rule result in a variable and can be called in any other rule by { "$R": "Var": "$I": ["variableX"] }
. The output value should be unique. If you define the same value more than once, the last one will override the value of the previous one.
🛠️ Methods
async execute(jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}, options?: { sync: false }): Promise<RuleResult>
Execute is used to run the JsonLang and takes two parameters.
- JsonLang: check the Structure
- Data: schemaless data object to read/write to it. To get data use the Rule Data
- options: execution options. it has one property called
if it false the execute will be async for async rules, else it will be sync
Execute is the Async
version of JsonLang, use it to run all builtin rules and any extended Sync
or Async
execute(jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, data: {} | undefined, options: { sync: true }): RuleResult
Execute is the Sync
version of JsonLang, use it to run all builtin rules and any extended Sync
The First Way:
registerOne(ruleDefinition: RuleDefinition, ruleHandler: RuleHandler): void
Extend JsonLang by adding 2 params
- ruleDefinition: Object of
- identifier:
{ name: string, shortcut?: string, group?: string }
, name
(required) is the Rule
name, shortcut
(optional) is the shortcut. i.e Sum
is the name
, and +
is the shortcut
, and group
a name of group to categorize/group set of rule under group. - inputs: JsonSchema to define the rule inputs
- output: JsonSchema to define the rule output
- ruleHandler: Object of two props sync & async, you need to pass the implementation Function
(...inputs: RuleInput[]) => RuleResult)
, inputs
(required) is array of all inputs needs for the handler check Input in Structure, and data
is the schemaless data check Data in the Execute Section
registerMany(rules: Rules): void
registerMany allows registering a Map()
of rules. The Map key
is RuleDefinition
, and the Map value
is the RuleHandler
The Second Way:
This way is the best practice way to extend JSONLang using decorators and import
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { MathRules } from '@jsonlang/math';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
import { ArrayRules } from '@jsonlang/array';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.import(MathRules, LogicRules, ArrayRules, ObjectRules);
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
export class TestRules {
identifier: { name: 'RuleOne', shortcut: 'R' },
inputs: { inputOne: {type: 'string', enum: ['TP', 'RF']}, inputTwo: {type: 'number'} },
output: { type: 'boolean', default: false }
inputOne: string,
inputTwo: number
): boolean {
identifier: { name: 'RuleTwo' },
inputs: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' } },
output: { type: 'number' }
RuleTwo(...inputs: string[]): number {
⚒️ Builtin Rules
For more Info and examples
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2) var name you need to access, Enum of "External" or "Internal"
- Output: any.
- Description: if the Input is
it will return the schemaless data object which you pass it to the execute method, else if the input is ["Internal"]
, it will return the value of any Output
from any rules, Check the Output part or the value passed from the parent rule like filter in array rules.
For more Info and examples
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
And or &&
- Input[]: Array (Size: Unlimited).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: Do the
operation, if any value in Input[]
has a value of (null, 0, false), it will return false
, else it will return true
Or or ||
- Input[]: Array (Size: Unlimited).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: Do the
operation, if all values in Input[]
has a value of (null, 0, false), it will return false
, else it will return true
Equal or ==
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one
element two or not.
NotEqual or =
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one
Not Equal
to element two or not.
Not or !
- Input[]: Array (Size: 1).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 1 input inverts its value. If it
it will return false
and vice versa.
GreaterThan or >
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one
Greater Than
element two or not.
LessThan or <
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one
Less Than
element two or not.
GreaterThanOrEqual or >=
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one
Greater Than or Equal
element two or not.
LessThanOrEqual or <=
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one
Less Than or Equal
element two or not.
For more Info and examples
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { MathRules } from '@jsonlang/math';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
- Input[]: Array (Size: 1).
- Output: Boolean (true or false).
- Description: Check if the value dataType is a number or not.
Sum or +
- Input[]: Array (Size: unlimited).
- Output: number.
- Description: Used to Sum all values. i.e.
Input1 + Input2 + .... + InputN
Subtract or -
- Input[]: Array (Size: unlimited).
- Output: number.
- Description: Used to Subtract all values. i.e.
Input1 - Input2 - .... - InputN
Multiply or *
- Input[]: Array (Size: unlimited).
- Output: number.
- Description: Used to Multiply all values. i.e.
Input1 * Input2 * .... * InputN
Divide or /
- Input[]: Array (Size: unlimited).
- Output: number.
- Description: Used to Divide all values. i.e.
Input1 / Input2 / .... / InputN
For more Info and examples
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { ArrayRules } from '@jsonlang/array';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
- Input[]: Array (Size: Unlimited).
- Output: Array (Size: Unlimited).
- Description: It takes an array of inputs and returns them again. It is used to run a list of
nested Rules
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2) {elements: any[], rule: IJsonLangParams}.
- Output: Any[].
- Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to filter them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope
, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use Data Rule with scope local, check this example.
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2) {elements: any[], rule: IJsonLangParams}.
- Output: Any[].
- Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to map them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope
, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use Data Rule with scope local.
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2) {elements: any[], rule: IJsonLangParams}.
- Output: true.
- Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to iterate over them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope
, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use Data Rule with scope local.
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2) {elements: any[], level?: number}.
- Output: true.
- Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to flatten this array with any level.
For more Info and examples
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
Get [In Progress]
- Input[]: Array (Size: 3) {path: string, defaultValue?: any, data:{}}.
- Output: Any.
- Description: It accepts two inputs, the 1st one (required) is a path to get the Data, and the 2nd one (optional) is a default value of the path is not found. the
must follow the dotted style var1.var2
for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays var1.var2[3].var3
Set [In Progress]
- Input[]: Array (Size: 3) {path: string, value: any, data:{}}.
- Output: Any.
- Description: It accepts two inputs. The 1st one (required) is a path to update/mutate the Data, and the 2nd one is the value to set. the
must follow the dotted style var1.var2
for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays var1.var2[3].var3
. If the path
does not exist, the Set
Rule will create it.
Update [In Progress]
- Input[]: Array (Size: 3) {path: string, value: any, data:{}}.
- Output: Any.
- Description: It accepts two inputs. The 1st one (required) is a path to update/mutate the Data, and the 2nd one is the value to update. the
must follow the dotted style var1.var2
for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays var1.var2[3].var3
. If the path
does not exist, the Update
rule won't do anything.
Delete [In Progress]
- Input[]: Array (Size: 2) {path: string, data:{}}.
- Output: Any.
- Description: It accepts two inputs, a path to mutate the Data by deleting a field in the request path. the
must follow the dotted style var1.var2
for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays var1.var2[3].var3
. If the path
does not exist, the Delete
rule won't do anything.
For more examples
One Level Example
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "LessThan" , "$I": [10, 20] }, undefined, { sync: true } );
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "<" , "$I": [10, 20] }, undefined, { sync: true } );
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "<" , "$I": [10, 20] } )
.then(result => {
Nested Levels Example
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { MathRules } from '@jsonlang/math';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.import(MathRules, ObjectRules);
const result = jsonLang.execute({
$R: '+',
$I: [
$R: '+',
$I: [
{ $R: '*', $I: [2, 3] },
$R: '+',
$I: [
{ $R: '*', $I: [3, 3], $O: 'x' },
{ $R: 'Var', $I: ['x'] },
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['user.age', null, { $R: 'Data', $I: ['External'] }] }
}, { user: { name: 'test', age: 100 } }, { sync: true });
Access Inner Data
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
import { ArrayRules } from '@jsonlang/array';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.import(LogicRules, ArrayRules, ObjectRules);
const result = jsonLang.execute({ $R: 'All', $I: [
$R: 'Filter',
$I: [[1, 3, 5], 'i', { $R: '>', $I: [{ $R: 'Data', $I: ['Internal'] }, 2] }],
$R: 'Filter',
$I: [
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['data.test', null, { $R: 'Data', $I: ['External'] }] },
{ $R: '<', $I: [{ $R: 'Data', $I: ['Internal'] }, 500] }
] }, { data: { id: 'test', test: [100, 300, 700] } }, { sync: true });
Extend Rules Example
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.registerOne({ name: 'Test', shortcut: 't' }, {
sync: (input: any) => { return `${input} Test` },
async: async (input: any) => { return `${input} Test` }
const result = await jsonLang.execute({
$R: 'Test',
$I: [
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['user.age', null, { $R: 'Data' }] }
}, { user: { name: 'test', age: 100 } }, { sync: true });
🧱 Customization
You can extend JsonLang and add any logic you want from well-known sync/async packages like lodash, moment, ajv, axios, mysql, mongoose, ...etc.
Just use the register functions and follow its structure to add whatever you want.
⚠️ Warnings
JsonLang can be extended with any function, and you can override the existing rules, but make sure that any method you will add won't:
- Have any security issue
- Async method without timeout or with unhandled errors
- Block the event loop in backend nodejs https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/dont-block-the-event-loop/
- Abuse the CPU or the memory
🔌 Compatibility
This library uses Array.map
and Array.reduce
, so it's not exactly Internet Explorer 8 friendly.
📗 What's Next?
- Adding more math, logic, object, array, date, and casting methods.
- Provide plugins to wrap well-known packages like MathJs, Jsonata, Axios, Lodash, MomentJs, ...etc.
- Adding Jsonschema validation for rules inputs
- Allow saving, loading, calling other block of rules.
- Allow logging with different level for rules while execution.
- Make a UI diagram react npm package to generate, show, build, run and show instances logs.
- Add more use-cases for many ideas for using JsonLang.
📜 License
JsonLang is MIT licensed